Cerita dari Mata Kamera: Karnaval di Kelurahan Madyopuro, Malang

This picture are took in Karnaval Madyopuro's, an event to celebrate Birthday, Bersih Desa and Suro at Kelurahan Madyopuro, the area where I live. It happend at 3 November 2013, Sunday afternoon, on Jalan Jonge. The participant was gathering near SMKN 6 Malang and Terminal Madyopuro before they surrounding. The most participant is all the people who lived in Kelurahan Mayopuro. The people who live in there road, was come out from their house to see the carnival. Dont forget, the asongan, the sellers of food, drink,toys children and many more was joining. This carnival was opened by the new city mayor, Abah Anton, and also his wife. The good news is, when Abah Anton and his wife will go home and go back to his car, I and some people can "say helo" and shaking hand with him,oh...I think what a humble he is :)....
Berpose di depan Ogoh-ogoh ala Karnaval

Sakera, tidak hanya di Gondanglegi,

tapi juga di Madyopuro!

Pernah lihat ini? Seperti di Laskar Pelangi

Bantengan, dan sedang kesurupan!

Di punggung kaos ini tersemat kata KERAMAD: Kera (Arek) Mad (Madyopuro)

And this is is...The hobby-horse dance...Jaranan,Jaran Kepang,Kuda Lumping

Panggung Hiburan

Abah Anton's say hello to peoples


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